The Adidas Stabil Boost II court shoe. Some places are referring to these as the Adidas Stabil Boost 2.0.
These are starting to roll out in summer 2016. They are the successor to the Adidas Stabil Boost, last year’s top-of-the-line Adidas court shoe.
I love seeing new products, but sometimes it’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.
The Adidas Court Stabil 13 is similar but less expensive.
Update: These shoes seem to have been replaced in February 2017 by the Adidas Stabil Boost 20Y
Here’s a review from Paul at PDH Sports:
Paul also did a comparison between the Adidas Stabil Boost II and the Salming Race R9:
Men’s Adidas Stabil Boost II
A red version that I didn’t spot until August 2017:

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Search:Here’s the solar green/core black/solar yellow model:

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Search:And the collegiate royal/white/solar yellow guy:

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Search:They call this color scheme black, white, and kurz silver foil.

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Search:Women’s Stabil Boost II
This color scheme is called “white/vapour blue/ice blue” and it was spotted in August 2016:

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Mark says
First of let me start by saying thanks to … for a great site.. I have been an adidas stabil fan for years and have probably owned atleast one of every generation of stabil with the exception of the generation one boost. My first impression of the newer stabil boost 2 or stabil boost ii is a solid 8/10. i have only had the shoes for a 2 weeks now and only played 6 times in them however a few noteable differences in construction are quite pronounced.
First off the touge gap is quite large much larger then older stabil models i assume this is because adidas shoes tend to be tight fitting and not great for the wide footed players. Perhaps adidas thought that shortening the shoe sidewalls and increasing the size of the tounge gap would accomidate a larger foot? What it has done is increase the span of the lace across the top of the shoe resulting in more lace and less shoe coming across the tounge. This is the biggest problem with the shoe and I can see exactly why the user above posted regarding lace_eyeletts rippling out. You really have to pull on the laces to get the shoe snug and there is allot of pressure on the lace during play that is not absorbed well by the shoe which was likely the cause of the eye_lett damage cited above.
On top of that vs the prior generation stabil the shoe wall construction looks and feels a bit thin specifically around the lace eyelets which the have attempted to reinforce with a think rubber peice which looks more to me like fashion vs function.
Adidas has to done a great job reinforcing the shoe from the outside. Heel support is amazing and side wall is very good..Toe box is quite snug yet still comfortable. The redesigned toe box vs old stabils and gen 1 boosts is much better and seems to eliminate the wrinkles that occurred across the top of the toe box in other models.
The new sole grips well and the shoe weight seems inline (or a bit lighter) then other stabil models. While I’m not really sure what the boost technology adds for a Squash player. The shoe feels comfortable and supportive and responds well on court.
Pierre says
Thanks Mark!
Manuel says
For me they felt a little bit to spongy. Furthermore the grip of the asics is better. The worst part is, that the holes for the laces tore off after just 3 weeks ( I hope this is working). I returned them and try now salming.
For the german guys, have some salming models under 100€. They also took the adidas back without questions…
Pierre says
Thanks for the feedback Manuel. Here is your photo embedded:
Joran says
Couple of guys on the club own these shoes. They seem to enjoy them and told me the fit was a little tighter around the foot. They compared it with the infamous Adipower Stabil 11 and seem to be content. (Don’t take my word for it)
German says
It seems to me like running shoes… What a shame … Adidas stabil is not the same …