This is the Dunlop Hyperfibre+ Revelation Pro.
Note: a newer model was released in 2019, the Dunlop Hyperfibre XT Revelation Pro

Image via Derek Lawrence →
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Advertised weight (unstrung): 128 grams
Head size: 490 cm sq
String pattern: 14x19
Measured weight (all-in): 151 grams
Measured balance: 37.5 cm
Here’s my video review of the Revelation Pro:
Product Notes
This is Ali Farag‘s racket for 2017. It appears similar to the Dunlop Aerogel 4D Max, but I heard from Dunlop that it’s a new racket (new mold) for 2017. It was released as part of the Dunlop Hyperfibre+ range of Dunlop squash rackets.
Update: In 2018 Dunlop came out with the Dunlop Revelation Pro Lite, which is from the same mold but is more evenly balanced.
Here is Ali Farag using this racket at the 2017 Windy City Open:

Photo via
Lawrence sent in these photos:
Thanks to Simon, Lawrence, Alex and Sherif for the tips!
Kevin says
Farag using new version at British Open
Pierre says
Jazz says
At 128 grams it is not a heavy racket. I have been using it since a year. It is weighted towards the head but with hyperfibre and areoskin it moves easily and quickly through the air. It’s flickable, but if you need to it to play more like a headlight, all you need is to grip it higher on the handle. I have not broken the racket till now. The original string Dunlop Great White 1.2 works well for me, both power and control.
Farooq says
I am planning on buying this racket but I would like to know about its durability and control.
nick says
seems durable. seems like a lot of the weight is in the top of the head. makes it head heavy but adds to the durability I think. control is good. it’s a great racket but you can’t flick it like a head light racket.
Farooq says
Appreciate the help! Thanks!
nick says
I tried restringing at 27 lbs with 305 1.2mm but its seems too loose. I actually really like the stock factory string and how crisp it was. Trying to recreate that feeling. Not sure if going to 28 lbs will make a big difference. Maybe I should go for 29 lbs??
jazz puri says
This is a good racket. You will enjoy playing both power and drop shots. It’s my go to racket.
If you get a chance try Ashaway Power Kill 130, it’s an awesome racket. They have hot the flex and feel perfect. It comes prestrung in Ashaway strings.
Fufu says
Im planning ob buying this racket but i don’t have a lot of wrist power. I usually play aggressive and strike the ball to the back wall, and don’t really hit drop shots. Is it suitable for me? And what is the best tension for strings and what strings are most suitable
Pierre says
Yes I think it will be a good choice for your type of game. It is not good for “flicks” because it’s head heavy balance but it’s great for a full swing shot I think. String is going to be down to your preference, I don’t have advice on that one other than I suggest trying different setups to find out what you like.
Jason Kim says
Just picked up two of these guys at the US open for 100$ each. First thoughts:
You can get insane power with these racquets. I was using an X-Speed before with 305 strung at 25 to get some good power, but with this I might try the zx micro strings strung pretty high (27-28) because the racquet itself is just a cannon. Being head heavy, it’s a bit more difficult to just whip it around, so racquet preparation is something you’ll need.
Swings very nicely, feels great, and love it so far. It’s very different to the x-speed, but is still very nice. It’s great with drop shots, but sometimes a lob when the ball is dying really fast can be quite difficult. It’s harder to get the head and whip it up with a head heavy racquet.
I like it.
Nick says
Weighed a factory new Hyperfibre+ Revelation Pro – 156g with plastic wrap attached.
Quite different to other rackets I’ve tried. Can really feel where the head is when you play the shot, but you get some lovely momentum through the ball when hitting to length or taking the ball in short.
Kevin says
Hi Pierre,
Dunlop have released a new racket on their new website called the Revelation Pro Lite. Its 125 grams and head light.
Ivan says
Hi Kevin,
Linked as below:
Pierre says
Thanks guys. From the US, that link redirects to I think they might have some sort of geographic redirect in place.
Nick says
I’ve seen this racket available to buy at iSportStore
JB says
Bruno any feedback? Thoughts? Thank you
Bruno Pavic says
I’ve used these rackets since October last year and have had an absolutely excellent experience with them. Some points that describe my experience with them:
1. They are incredibly powerful but require proper racket preparation. They have actually improved my game because of this fact. I’ve always had reasonably strong wrists and shoulders which has created some bad habits around racket preparation. This racket forces you to think more about how you tee up which did wonders for my game. I will add that I’ve recently changed to the nick matthew version and am really enjoying it but i’m confident I wouldn’t have performed well with a lighter head racket if it wasn’t for the change to my shot preparation from using this racket.
2. They are some of the most durable rackets I’ve owned. I am a pretty aggressive player and will often try a solid scrape from the wall if I think it may win me the point (I call it the $200 kill shot lol…). I still have both of mine and they have very few signs of damage or wear.
3. They give you a really satisfyingly solid crack when you tee up. I put 1.1mm tecnifibre strings in the frame and Pierre described it well when he referred to it as a ‘canon’. The touch shots are excellent to but it comes back to point 1, you cannot expect to just swing this thing around like a fly swatter. It’s head heavy and unless you have the wrist strength of Thor himself, it’s tough to just reflexively slot the ball for an entire match. This is also one of the drawbacks, if you have a naturally intense/aggressive game style you’ll likely feel the weight of the head bearing down on you after a couple tough games.
4. If you retrieve well, this racket will reward you. It’s amazing how much power you can generate with this from very little racket speed. If i’m facing an opponent that hits down on the ball a lot and constantly tries to kill the point, this racket somehow keeps me in the rally. It lifts balls to the back of the court so easily which becomes incredibly frustrating for your opponent.
5. Overall, this racket is excellent but not for everyone. If you prefer a head heavy, durable, satisfyingly solid feeling racket, you’ll feel right at home. The touch shots are amazing but you may need to change how you perform them, the head of the racket just takes the ball in so effectively that you’ll likely overhit a lot whilst you’re adjusting to it, same goes for your drives/cross courts.
Score – 4.5/5 – Highly Recommended
JB says
Wow thank you Bruno great response thank you. I two have all the strength I need. I have poor racquet prep so was thinking of going to a slightly head heavy racquet. My whole game is hard drives poor touch and usually when I try I leave a nice sweet do what they want shot for the opponent. I recently tried a Harrow Vapor which compared to all the racquets I have used is head heavier and was amazed I made a few nice drop nicks. For some reason the grip shape is bothering my wrist so looking to the Dunlop as I have had a few with no ill effect from the grip. From what you have provided I am going to have to try them to hopefully get me to improve my game. Any chance you want to sell yours? Thank you enjoy the game!
Ahmed says
That is a good review Bruno and I agree with everything that is said here.
I think this racquet is a must have to teach you good racquet prep and technique. Once you’re used to the racquet, it will do wonders.
I have the racquet strung with Ashaway SN micro at 26 lbs and it has amazing power and good control. However, I would like to try the TF 305 1.1mm, what tension do you use on the racquet and how was the control with that tension?
Bruno Pavic says
I have it strung up at 26 lbs with TF 305 1.1.
Power to spare and allows for a nice cut to help with finish. Only downside is it may hurt your wallet. The combination of power and cut in my game only gives me 2-3 weeks per restring. Tasting the 1.1 will make it very difficult to change back to a thicker string.
Jean-David says
Hi Bruno,
Did you try the Revelation pro Lite and compare with the Ali Farag one ?
Thanks a lot in advance
Raj says
i have been using it for past one year, initially it was good but now the power has gone , the strings have started getting squeaky ie they move up and down while hitting, one has to constantly adjust them. was planning to restring it, can anybody guide what is the factory tension of the strings. planning to put ashway powernick 18 on them , thanks.
Jazz says
I have the same racket also, Powernick 18 @ 23.5 lbs, you will love it. Enhanced power and control. Lots of fun.
Michel Goulche says
I bought this racket and that’s a very good surprise. The dealer said they are not selling that much so I had a very good deal on it, why not give it a try ? I used to play with harrow vibe, a very different racket, lighter but head heavy too…i adapt to it very quickly. Touch and feel is great but the power you get from it is fantastic ! I re-string it with green tecnifibre 1.2 @ 10/11 kg.
biaegi says
You mean your racket tension is 22 -24 lb (10-11kg) only. I never thought that is suitable for squash racket – too low. If this is correct, then I will try 11kg.
jazz says
I have been playing squash now for I guess 2 decades. I also use Dunlop, the Ali Farag racket.
I use 23lbs for my stinging of all strings 1.14 to 1.18 and 24 lbs for a thicker string of 1.25.
At 23lbs, I get the best power and control. Its the best tension to be on. The ball gets a lot of trampoline effect and you also get control : send the ball where you want to.
Danie says
Hi Jazz
Hope you are doing well
I don’t know if you remember me from the Eye racket comments…
I bought me the Evolution Pro and I am more than happy.
Do you have any suggestions about strings for this racket, the Great White strings feel very nice, can it really be any better?
JB says
I am at 20 lbs drop weight Tecnifibre X-One. If you can control the power lots of fun!
Enjoy the game!
Ferry Westly says
what is the difference with racket dunlop hyperfibre + pro evolution?
Ivan says
My friend commented that same mold as below model.
Pierre says
It does look very similar
Jazz says
Does anyone have an idea which squash string is Ali Farag using ?
David says
This racquet is a tear drop correct? However, when I compared it to my Dunlop Elite (Gaultier) it was really close in shape – in fact it was closer to my Elite racquet than some of the other tear drops (I find some tear drop faces to be really small). Is this sort of a hybrid between a tear drop and a traditional shape?
Pierre says
Yes teardrop. That’s interesting, if I can get the Elite and the Revelation Pro in the same room I will take a picture. The Elite is advertised as 500 cm sq and the Revelation Pro as 490.
David says
I ended up getting a few of these Farag models. After 2 weeks of hitting its my favorite racquet I’ve had to date!! I have learned that a head heavier racquet suits me alot better.
Previous models I have had:
Eye 120 Control (newer version)
Dunlop Precision Elite (2013 Gaultier Model)
Technifibre Carboflex 130
Danie says
Hi there David
I used more or less the same rackets than you.
Can you perhaps tell me if the Dunlop is maneuverable and easy to use in the back corners, if possible compared to the Technifibre 130?
kind regards
JB says
David can you give me any thoughts comparing it to the Eye 120 Control? Have had them liked them then went to the Harrow Head heavy enjoyed but still looking don’t like the grip size or shape….thank you enjoy the game!
Cd says
I use 2013 dunlop biomimetic max , 2013 dunlop biomimetic elite and the Technifibre 130. The Technifibre 130 was incredible for power but terrible for the short game. Gone back to the Max this summer. Will use the Elites in the winter months
Neill Wyatt says
What strings is Ali Farag using in his revelation pro? I know he used to use 305 but in recent pics with new racket sting looks black. Just wondering if anyone knew
mike says
I can’t find bumper about this racket.
Where should I buy bumper?
Rod Foster says
i think dunlop in particular are durable.
i have 5 dunlops and love them and play w/ nothing but them.
i have the new nick matthews dunlop
really loving it
Bernard says
the main problem i have with dunlop is the factory strings are so horrific – you have to cut them out straight away. do you re-string your racket or give the factory strings a bash?
Bruno says
Just ordered the 2x racket + bag bundle of pdhsports and am looking forward to trying it. It’s a bit of a gamble ordering new new rackets online but it sounds fitting to my style of play. Are they known for being durable? I’ve never used dunlop but my current Gray’s Light Blue Classic feel amazing but they seem to crack in the exact same spot (12:00) after little impact. I’ve replaced 4 this year alone and it’s getting a little frustrating. I hope this racket delivers! Thanks for the review!