The Dunlop Hyperfibre XT Revelation 135 is landing in July 2019. This is the successor to the Hyperfibre+ Revelation 135 from two years ago. This has a teardrop shape and a fan stringing pattern.

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Search:Here’s my review of the Hyperfibre XT Revelation 135:
Dunlop Hyperfibre XT Revelation 135
The Dunlop hyper fibre XT revelation 135 this is coming out in 2019 it’s out in 2019 big thanks to Dunlop for sending me this and the other new 2019 rackets to review if you haven’t checked out those videos check them out so this is the teardrop frame that’s the 135 gram frame this is a signature model and a manga pronunciation
I’m just gonna say in yow the Malaysian player and he is this has got a fan stringing pattern as compared to the Narelle tire bracket which is the traditional strings and it is 10 grams heavier advertised but it’s actually pretty late and I just weighed these two and they actually both came out pretty much the same in fact this was even though a little later on the scale there’s variability in the manufacturing so you never know exactly what you’re gonna get out of would track it it is but this came out at 153 and a half grams and also a balance point of 36 centimeters so on court this
I couldn’t decide between the 135 and the 125 which I liked better I kind of prefer traditional stringing pattern which put a vote in the corner of the 125 but one thing I liked about the 135 it was just a tiny bit head heavier
I just prefer that it helps me got my shot a little bit even on the scales these were only a quarter of a centimeter different in the balance point but it it this racquet feels had heavier and it also feels a little bit heavier doesn’t feel heavy just a little bit heavier than the 125 despite what it says on the scale so overall overall a good racket still in the same vein as the prior 135 revelation models that you might be used to from previous generations and it has the cool 2019 Dunlop cosmetic consistent with the other ones I’ve showed you recently in the videos and also this hyper fiber XT model is a little different from last year I especially found that in the pro light racquet that I reviewed earlier but the the reinforcement is now ten o’clock and 2 o’clock
I don’t know what it looks like for you and also in the throat and excuse the racket it’s a bit of a stiffer feel and that it’s hard to tell whether I just know that now and I think it every time I hit with one of these rockets but it does feel that way to me when I hit it I like the crispness of these brackets of all these 2019 Dunlop racquets and the 135 is slotting in right where you’d expect for this for this racquet within Dunlop’s current models hopefully that was helpful
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