Ah, the Head Argon2 145. Lovely.
Product image via head.com
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Daryl Selby used this for like 2 seconds. Here he is at the British Open:
Photo by Steve Cubbins
But then Daryl announced he was switching to the Black Knight Magnum Corona 6. Oh well. I hope it wasn’t the Argon.
It’s odd that I can only find this racket for sale at sweatband.com (update: never mind, it’s more widely available now). If you visit the Head Website, the racket is mentioned, but the link goes nowhere. It’s sort of like the Argon wants you to think it’s there, but then when you dig deeper, you can’t see it. Like Santa Claus. And if you think about it, have you ever seen the Argon2 145 and Santa Claus in the same room together? Me neither.
To make things more confusing, there’s also an older Head model, the Argon2 155, which is white instead of black, and as the name suggests, is 10 grams heavier.
Here’s what Geoff at racketshop had to say:
@squashsource I've got one in the shop, looks great with the matt paint finish – almost tempted to nick it for myself.
— Geoff Woodcock (@racketshop) August 10, 2013
Lucas Nicolau says
Hello Pierre Bastien,
Thanks for your reply. Yes, my wrist pain has gone. To my lucky my girlfriend it’s a phisioterapist, so she passed to me a lot of streching before the games and other trainings for my wrist. I’m also using karakal grip with an overgrip, becoming thicker. I don’t know if it is physicolgic, but it helped in my pain too.
I would like to say I’m enjoying a lot your website, it helped me to buy my last 4 rackets thanks for your great reviews. So, after a Feather (Heavy Hitter 148grm), 2 Dunlops (Biomimetic Elite 135grm,Biomimetic Gt-x 130grm), 3 Tecnifibres (Dynergy 125grm, Suprem 135grm, Ng 130grm), 5 Princes (two o3 black, one Speedport X-tra light, air lite 125grm and ExO3 Rebel 135grm ), 2 Mantas (Cobra 135grm, Matrix 125grm), Head Graphene Neon 130grm and one Karakal SX-140, I finally found in the Head Xenon² 135grm the perfect racket for power and the Head Argon² 145grm the perfect racket for maneuverability. There’s only one racket I would like test (or have), the Head Microgel Extreme, in fact, has the same shape of my Head Xenon, with 460cm² of head, 135grm, almost the same balance (36cm Xenon / 37cm Extreme) and the same String Pattern 14×16, but completily different technologies, the Xenon has Corrugated Technology, D3O and Innegra, on the other hand the Microgel Extreme has Flexpoint , Metallix and Microgel Technology.
So have your ever played with the Head Microgel Extreme? What can you say about the difference between Head Xenon² and Microgel Extreme?
Sorry about this huge asnwer, to be honest I love squash, I started to lose weight and between the time I was losign weight and playing squash I get completily addicted.
Best wishes
Pierre Bastien says
Hi Lucas, I’m glad the site could help! I have never tried the Head Microgel Extreme.
Lucas Nicolau says
I’ve been playing with my Head Xenon² 135 for almost an year, but since a pain in my wrist I’ve been looking for a different racket with the same shape. I tried to play with Graphene Head Neon 130, but I couldn’t get accustomed to it, I think it was the size of the head, too big (500cm²), so I sold. After few months I bought the Head Argon² 145 limited edition. I love it, great maneuverability and an easier swing. So now I’m on a dilema, my Xenon gives me a lot of power, and the Argon gives to me a great maneuverability, so, I would like to ask you my friend, wich one I should elect as my main racket? Same shape, great designs, one, with 135grm and 36cm balance (head heavy), and the other 145grm and 33cm balance (head light).
Pierre Bastien says
Hi Lucas, that is a tough one! After playing with the Argon for a while, are you still having wrist pains? If the wrist pain has gone away then that would seem to be a tiebreaker in favor of the Argon.
Sorry to hear you’re having wrist pain. I’ve been having that myself for the last year or so and it’s no fun. It has gotten better through stretching though.
chris says
just purchased two hit with it last night like the feel but will need to adjust swing speed
Kyle says
Just bought one at http://www.sportcheck.ca.. Broke my 2014 Elite (anger management needed) a little heavier overall but balance point head light . I’ll let you know how she plays !
Pierre Bastien says
Thanks Kyle, look forward to hearing!