The Head Graphene 360 Speed 120 comes in two different varieties:
These rackets are part of the 2019 Head squash racquets range. Both frames have a 120-gram advertised weight, but they are slightly different frame shapes. The SB or Slimbody frame is, as the name suggests, a little slimmer and more streamlined. The standard or classic model is a chunkier frame that’s more in the mold of the Cyano 120 and related rackets.
Head Graphene 360 Speed 120 SB (Slimbody)
This is the racket with a thinner frame. The SB / Slimbody concept was introduced by Head in 2017 as a more maneuverable version of their standard teardrop model.
This introduction was a success, with several of Head’s professional players switching to the SB / Slimbody style racket. It appears for 2019 Head has kept the frame the same and just updated the cosmetics. It’s a pretty cool mostly-black style.
Update: in 2021 Head released an updated model, the “306+” Speed 120.

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Search:Racket Specs chart
Advertised weight (unstrung): 120 grams
String pattern: 12x17
Measured weight (all-in): 148 grams
Measured balance: 36.5 cm
Head 120 SB Reviews
This is the racket I’m playing with in late 2021. Here’s an unboxing video I did:
Here’s a comparison between the Speed 120 Slimbody and the Black Knight Pro-X:
Paul Coll switched to this racket at the 2020 Black Ball tournament:

Photo via Black Ball 2020 →
Shoes: Eye Squash Shoes
Location: 2020 Black Ball Open
Head Graphene 360 Speed 120 “Classic”
This is the chunkier frame. I called it the “Classic” just to differentiate it from the SB, but that’s not Head’s actual name for the racket.
Update: this was replaced in the Head lineup by the Head Graphene 360+ Speed 120
There are two different versions of this racket. I believe they are both the same specs, just different cosmetics. It’s not said explicitly, but I imagine the rose one is meant to appeal to women.

Product Info
Release year: 2019
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Search:Racket Specs chart
Advertised weight (unstrung): 120 grams
Head size: 500 cm sq
String pattern: 12x17
Saurav Ghosal:

Photo via →
Racket: Head Graphene Touch Speed 120
Shoes: Salming Kobra 2
Location: 2019 Tournament of Champions

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Here are the two Classic Head Graphene 360 Speed 120 rackets side by side, courtesy of @racketgallery:

Here’s a comparison of these two rackets from Paul at PDH Sports:
David says
The 120 Speed SB (the Paul Coll model) – there was the gold version (gold Head logo) and now the white version. Is the update purely cosmetic? I ask because the older Gold model is cheaper now and if its the same, I could save a few bucks.
Pierre says
Save the few bucks and get the old one. I haven’t compared them head to head but these updates are almost always cosmetic (for all brands).
Rod says
I got the Head Graphene 360 Speed 120 SB racket as part of the Squashgalaxy demo program. It weighed in at 141g on my scale (including grip, strings + strip of bumper tape that Squashgalaxy puts on all their demo rackets). The balance stated on the racket was head light and it definitely felt head light in the hand. I wanted to like this racket, I think the cosmetic is super cool and it came strung with a neon blue string which looked great. I figured the light weight would really help my volleying but unfortunately the light weight combined with the head light balance made it difficult for me to get good length from a punched volley, especially on the backhand side. Power was a bit lacking from all areas of the court which just meant that this is a racket that I couldn’t have in my bag. I did like the slim body design for picking tight balls of the walls and the feel and accuracy though.
Rick says
Hi folks,
I have been using Prince Textreme Pro Warrior 600 (Ramy Ashour Signature — ) for almost 2 years now and my game really improved with it, especially the power in shots and ball control during volley drive/drops etc.
But due to excessive play, the racket is in a bad state and I want to switch to another racket. I am interested in trying out the head brand and this one looks good, especially the Paul from PDH gave a good review too.
Can someone help to compare if this will be a good choice compared to the one I have been using?
if it helps, I use Technifibre X-one Biphase (red color) , tension: 25lbs
Thanks guys,
João Amaral says
I’m a Prince Pro Warrior addict myself. It seems that I am not as lucky as you unfortunately: I have 3 on my bag and I broke as many over the last 2/3 years playing 3/4 times a week. Breakage issues have made me try many other brands over time: from Dunlop, to Tecnifibre and Karakal, all without success. A few nice hits at first but I kept coming back to my Pro Warrior. I’ve recently (12/20) got a Head Speed 120 standard version (i.e. non-slimbody version) on the hand and it felt good. I gave it a try on court and it felt very very similar to my Pro Warrior. I had it restrung to put it as closer as possible to my PW but courts have been closed since 01/21 around here so I didn’t have the chance to give it a proper test. So far it seems like a good contender but only time will tell.
I expect courts to open in a few weeks and I should be able to comment further then – in a month time or so. I’ll let you know how I feel about it but, as always, its the player that matters and I am sure that you will know much better than me if you like it or not. 🙂 Enjoy!
heidi says
there is yellow version in asia region. i tried to compare with previous touch. its more power
Kevin says
the one with yellow is actually a prototype 110 version for the next release. I do agree tho that the feel, balance and power on that one is the best out of the head range
Jostein says
Do anyone know if this 110 version really will be in the Head lineup for 2021?
Filip Korpalski says
This racket is in 99% the same as Head Graphene Touch Speed 120. I have both and differences between two when hitting are almost unnoticeable. Both weight 148 g on my scale with changed grip and strings.
Filip says
Has anyone compared this one with previous Head Touch Speed 120? Is there any real difference other than new paint job ?
Simulator says
Would love to know the answer to this too!
Simulator says
Particularly the slimbody version. More durable?
Alan says
hi, i have this racket and it feels a lot heavier than the touch 120, but you get more power and it is more durable. besides that, everything is the same.