Today I’m happy to introduce a guest post from regular reader Ghostface* about some hard-to-find Black Knight squash rackets.
*name may have been changed at author’s request
Without further ado, here’s Ghostface:
I have just received two rare BK rackets in the mail today, thought I’d share some pictures of them with you. You might like to feature them if you have a liking for strawberry pink.
Black Knight Magnum Lava
First up we have the Black Knight Magnum Lava, which I read somewhere that it was only sold to club players.
Discontinued 4 years ago.
Product specifications: here.
Basically it is quite the same as the still-in-production Magnum Corona6, except that:
1. Corona6 only has 16 crosses but Lava as 18 crosses, probably giving it better control.
2. Corona6 is created with Thermal Core process but Lava isn’t.
3. Corona6 has Power of 6 Technology, but Lava doesn’t.
4. Corona6 comes stock with SuperNick XL Micro, Lava with PowerNick 18.
Other than that, everything else between the two are the same.
The other old Magnum models like the Magnum Frost (white) and Magnum Orbit (red) are exactly the same as the Lava. Only differences are the stock strings – The Frost uses SuperNick XL Pro, the Lava uses PowerNick 18 and the Orbit uses KevFibre. Other than that they are the same racket with different cosmetics.
Ryan Cuskelly used the Magnum Lava at the 2013 World Team Championship (WSF event, not PSA), you can see the racket here in action: YouTube Link. Match turned very ugly towards the end.
Black Knight Magnum Lava6 Chrome
Next up we have the ultra rare Magnum Lava6 Chrome. It is confirmed by a BK representative that this model was released as a limited edition racket and as a more technologically advanced version of the Magnum Lava. This racket might have given rise to the birth of the Magnum Corona6 – which is what BK sells today.
Lava6 Chrome has the colours of the Lava inverted.
I have attached some pictures that compare both the Corona6 and the Lava6 Chrome side by side. They are exactly the same, only differences are the cosmetics and their stock strings (Corona6 comes with fluorescent yellow SuperNick XL Micro, Lava6 Chrome comes with red PowerNick 18).
The only player I know who currently uses this is Canadian player Hollie Naughton (WSA World no. 58). You can see the racket here in action at the 2015 Canadian Nationals (Final) against Samantha Cornett: YouTube Link.
For exact specifications for the Lava6 Chrome, just view the Corona6’s product page. There is no available information on the net for this racket.
Here’s Leonie Holt with the Lava at the 2016 British Nationals:
Photo via Steve Cubbins →
Richard Bishouty says
I stumbled upon a magnum frost 6 chrome. Can’t find the same racket anywhere online. Anyone know anything about it?
Timbo says
I use BK rackets and I’ve got a few diff models of them. The corona 6 is by far my fave one, I’ve got them strung with 305+ , 305, power nick red and powernick black. 305+ at 27 pounds is most power, red at 25 is great feel, 305 at 26 is brilliant
I’ve got the green PSX open throat model which is too light for me so they’ve not been used.
I’ve got tons of rackets , now ones but I always come back to corona 6. Dunlop elite too brittle, tecnifibre don’t do it either
Anyway good post and I’d love one of either of them rare ones so give me a shout and I’ll buy one no worries if anyone has any for sale
I’m in the UK