There are many ways to raise the level of your squash game. Here are some techniques for you to try.
Play More Squash!
The simplest way to improve your squash game is get on the court and play more squash. If you know other squash players or have some friends interested in trying out the game, schedule a match with them! Alternatively, ask the pro at your local club to set you up with matches against opponents around your skill level. For a brief strategy overview, visit my guide on how to play squash.
Photo by Peter Bryant
Don’t belong to a squash club yet? Do an Internet search for “squash” plus your city or town name to find local clubs. Your search may also uncover regional organizations that promote squash in your area and can help you locate places to play. If you are based in the USA, you can find your district by visiting this page on the US Squash Website and selecting your location from the “Select a District” drop-down menu. Squash is played in almost 200 countries worldwide, and most of them should have a governing body that can help you find local courts.
You can improve your squash game immensely just by playing regularly. However, you’ll progress even faster if you take lessons from an experienced coach. Check with your local club to see if they have an in-house pro. Even if the club doesn’t have a coach, they may be able to recommend a coach at nearby clubs.
Many coaches offer both individual and group lessons. Both options are a great way to learn squash. Individual lessons tend to be a little more expensive, but the upside is the coach can focus all their attention on you. Group lessons are also very helpful. They’re usually a bit less expensive, and you have to share the coach’s attention, but they’re a good way to meet other players at your level.
Practice Drills
Practice drills are a fantastic way to sharpen your squash game. Drills help you improve your shots and develop good habits through focused repetition. There are probably hundreds of different squash drills for one, two or three players that you can use to improve your game. Ask your local squash pro for suggestions on drills that are appropriate for your skill level.
Squash is a running game. In order to keep improving, you must achieve increasing levels of fitness. Playing squash regularly and doing practice drills are a good start, but you can do more.
Any aerobic exercise will help your squash game. For example, you can try going for a 30 minute jog or stationary bike ride.
You can also improve your fitness through on-court fitness drills. This is a good way to train for squash because it strengthens the actual muscles you use while playing. Again, contact your local pro for fitness drills that are appropriate for your level.
Watch Better Players
You’ll improve your game just by watching players who are better than you. Watch the shot selection, court movement patterns, and tempo of other players. This is a great way to learn.
Look for matches between better players at your local club, or contact your regional squash organization to learn about tournaments in your area. You can also watch professional squash players to see the game played at the highest level. Squash matches are not often televised, so do an Internet search for PSA squash or WISPA squash to learn more about upcoming men’s and women’s professional squash tournaments. You can also try searching for “squash” on YouTube.
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