This is the Tecnifibre Dynergy Tour 125 Kickstep Squash Racket. A long name for sure, but at least you get free Kickstep with every racket.
Actually I’m not sure what the “Kickstep” is for. Some stores mention the Kickstep, though the Tecnifibre Website does not. They also don’t mention that this racket is used by one of the guys in the White Pigeon squash song. HOWEVER the Tecnifibre Website does mention that Wael El Hindi plays with this racket, so I will have to keep an eye out for that.
Update: A newer model is available — the Tecnifibre Dynergy 117
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Search:Update: I saw on the Website that there was an earlier racket that was just the plain old Dynergy Tour 125. I guess the Kickstep was added to later models to spice them up.
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Andrew says
Hi does anyone have a kick step 125 for sale? Or where I can still get one?I have the 117 strung with the green 1.1mm tech string at 24 lbs,which I am really enjoying,but would love to try the 125 with the bi phase which I’m told has a bigger sweet spot than the 117.
Pierre,have you thought of a used squash racket directory where we can post on here rackets we would like to sell/buy to each other?
Pierre says
I have thought about it and been asked about it before but I’ve never really figured out how I would set it up (and have it be more useful than, say, people just posting their rackets on eBay). But I like the way you phrased it such that maybe it would be more like a message board where people could contact each other directly – as opposed to me trying to reinvent eBay 🙂
Ben says
Hi everyone, Wael El Hindi did play with this racket but has moved on to the Tecnifibre Dynergy 117 Flexarm Squash Racket. the kickstep is a technology used in the racket, Second generation power racquet, with a Kickstep. Shaft design offering a +10% increase in power and improved stability on impact. The blackweave technology increases the breakage resistance and helps to limit the vibration diffusion. Hope this helps.
Pierre Bastien says
Thanks Ben, I have added a link to the 117.