And here we have the Adidas Stabil 3, recorded for posterity. Looks like this came in several colors. I like the black version.
Check this one out. Maybe they were hoping Roger Federer would wear these.
These red and black ones are pretty cool too.
Here’s a more conventional white and black shoe.
And here’s the regular blue one.
Edwin says
Hola buen dia, estoy interesado en comprar unas adidas stabil 3 de color negro estoy en chile
mike says
Where can I buy a court stabil 3, or stabil 7……am Brazilian so have to send to Brazil
Pierre says
Hi Mike
I don’t think the Court Stabil 3 or Court Stabil 7 are available for sale anymore. You may have more luck finding the recent version (Court Stabil 10). Sorry but I don’t know of a good option for delivery to Brazil. If you find one please let me know and I will include it on the site!