Here are a few Ashaway squash rackets from the “Powerkill ZX Series”. They were recently unveiled by PDH Sports. All come pre-strung with Ashaway SuperNick ZX.
Here’s an overview from Paul at PDH:
I’m also doing reviews of a few of these rackets. Here’s an unboxing for now:
Ashaway Squash Rackets Lineup

6. Ashaway Powerkill ICE 125 VM

This one just appeared on the scene in 2020:

Alex N Harvey says
Have you seen the powerkill 125?
It looks like it’s similar to the Harrow vibe and torque frames (SQ585 mould). 147g total weight (incl bumper strings and grip)
Dave McKee says
Do you know where I can source replacement Ashaway head bumperbars?
They seam to be hard to find.
Alex N Harvey says
Some (maybe all?) Ashaway bumpers will be interchangeable with Harrow racket bumpers. They use the same OEM. You can probably work out which bumper you will need from the images of the rackets and the stringing pattern.
Kieran says
New racket spotted at Goode Sport
Pierre says
Thanks Kieran, added it above!
Lloyd says
Does ben coleman have a signature ashaway racket as well?
Pierre says
I think he’s been using the 115 ZX but not a signature.
Dave says
Looked different in yesterday’s match Vs Rosner. Couldn’t see clearly, but no green.
Pierre says
Thanks guys, you’re right.
Have added a photo here:
David Guinane says
On his latest story you can make our ‘Powerkill Meta XBC’ on the shaft. At least I think that’s what it says…
Lloyd says
A new racket from Ashaway? Endorsed by Vikram Malhotra.
Brent says
Looks like another Unsquashable/Artengo clone. Someone should compile a list of all the racquets that use that mold.
Unet says
There’s a new racket out – Venom X-Flash, which I just received. 130g, slightly head-heavy, will try it on court this evening…
Michael says
What was your thoughts on this frame? Compared to the Eye X.Lite 120 Control.
Unet says
Well, it’s been a well since I last played with an Eye 120, but I would say the new Ashaway will give similar sensations. It is slightly more head heavy, and you will have a bit more power, however the control is great too. I have been quite impressed by it actually, and even without restringing, it feels excellent. I like the lighter Ashaway (powerkill 110), but the Venom is more forgiving while giving a similar feel, less dangerous when under pressure and not hitting the sweet spot. It’s a keeper, at least for me…
Robert James says
Just play tested the 120ZX, Eye X-lite 120 Control, Dunlop Pro GTX (my current racket, sadly cracked), a friends pro GTS and BK Hex Phenom.
I should probably say that I would happily play with all of these rackets, but……………..I’ve chosen the ZX – hope durability isn’t a problem!!
Thought people may like to hear about my experiences.
To start off with weight. With factory strings and grip the ZX120 was 148g, the Eye, 156 and the BK 158. The Dunlops were 155 and 156 respectively although they had an extra grip on.
Interesting that the Eye is so much heavier than the Ashaway despite claiming to be the same weight and almost identical to the BK which is supposedly 135g.
The GTS is head heavier than the GTX and I wanted something with a larger head as I’m getting old and am struggling to hit the ball as hard, thus I eliminated the GTS early, I couldn’t see new GTXs anywhere.
The BK is a nice feeling racket but is noticeably heavier than the Ashaway and Eye. I also felt it wasn’t quite as stiff so when hitting the ball there seemed to be just a tiny bit of flex. Therefore eliminated.
The decision between the Ashaway and the Eye was really tricky and subjective. The Ashaway just felt slightly nicer in my hand (almost like a wand) and because it’s head light felt really easy to get up into the volley quickly (an important part of my game). It also felt lovely when hitting lengths.
The Eye really came into its own when hitting short shots. The slightly more head heavy feel I think gave me a little bit more accuracy and feel. The negative was when hitting the ball hard the racket almost seemed to have its own momentum and felt slightly out of control- something I didn’t like.
At the end of the day I elected to go with the Ashaway because it was still nice at the front of the court and thought its advantages outweighed the slight disadvantage at the front.
Slightly unusually I also thought it was slightly more powerful. The fact they’re £50 a racket cheaper and come with a better string also didn’t hurt – although I’ll probably swap the SuperNick ZX out for my normal Tecnifibre 305 1.1 at first restring.
For what it’s worth I think the cosmetic on the Eye was nicer.
As I say this is subjective but was my experience. Hope it is useful for somebody – I spent a while searching through this and other websites when making my decision.
Robert James says
As an update I’ve just played my first competitive game with these – very pleased.
So much more power than my GTXs.
Nice but different touch at the front meaning I hit a couple more tins than normal but think that’s just about adjusting.
Looking forward to playing with them more.
Lloyd says
Ben coleman may be using the 115.
Pierre says
Thanks Lloyd! I posted about it here:
Simon Clifford says
Durability seems good to me so far – no issues and being strung up with some decent makes a change in squash rackets!
Rob says
Hi Simon, any new opinions on the ashaways? The powerkill 120 looks the same as the harrow vapor/spark frame so I’m interested to know if there’s any similarities and if it has been durable
Unet says
Broke 2 120 already, they both lasted a couple of sessions, without abuse nor hard contact with the walls…
Interestingly the 110, while lighter is still in perfect condition, having seen 20 times more court time!
Borja says
Hi, recently I received a harrow spark and a vapor . The vapor broke in the second training. I liked the spark a lot. I think it’s the best racket I’ve had. Both are 2014 models. Reading the comments, can anyone tell me if any of the ashaway rackets is the same as the spark? And the fragility of them? I don’t know if harrow has actually corrected his problem, but they look like crystal rackets, a shame. Thank you
Tor says
Good. Just ordered the 110! Can’t wait to play it!
Borja says
Hi. I have had the opportunity to try it for a couple of weeks. The weight on scale is 135gr. It is very similar, almost equal to the harrow spark. Perhaps the most maneuverable harrow although on a scale is 140gr. The balance is different, the ashaway is more head heavy. I opted for the harrow model, I’ve been with him for a month and he’s in perfect condition. But if it breaks fast I will not hesitate to go to the ashaway.
Simon says
Rob, Still going string with the Ashaways and have purchased 2 more! Love playing with them still, however, I have now changed string and using the MultiNick 18 as its really durable for an 18 gauge string and the black looks awesome in the racket. Hope this helps!
Squashie says
if this is like the harrow rackets will there be similar problems with durability?
squashfan says
this is what I am concerned about before I purchase..
Rob says
Mine’s cracked already but I’m going to give them one more chance.
It feels identical to play with to the harrow spark so it’s probably made of glass unfortunately
Rob says
I’ve changed my mind. I used to break two or three harrows a season but I haven’t broken the ashaway 120 zx playing 3-4 times a week for 8 months now.
Small sample size but these seem significantly more durable than the harrows, and they play just as well if not better. Main difference is the slightly bigger frame, but the feel is very much the same.
Mark says
Looking for a racket to take over from my Harrow Vapours that are nearing the end of their shilf lives. Might take a chance on the 120…….
Lloyd says
Let us know how it goes!!
Andrew says
The 120 looks identical to the Harrow jp spark