Just putting up a quick page for Manta squash rackets. I really don’t know anything about these except I’m pretty sure Jack Wyant used to play with them, so there’s that. These are the rackets listed on Manta’s Website as of 2015.
Models: Ray | Destiny | Matrix | Extreme | Classic | Double Trouble | Campeón | Gambler | Big Foot | Nitro | X-Factor
Manta Ray
Manta Ray. Get it? Cool stencil though. 135 grams.
Image via mantasport.com
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Search:Manta Destiny
It is your destiny…to buy this pink racket. If I ever find any affiliate links.
Image via mantasport.com
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Search:Manta Matrix
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. 125 grams.

Image via mantasport.com
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Search:Manta Extreme
It’s extreme-ly light, at 125 grams.
Image via mantasport.com
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Search:Manta Classic
Faux wood grain? Classic. 135 grams.
Image via mantasport.com
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Search:Manta Double Trouble
This one’s positioned as a doubles racket. 140 grams.
Image via mantasport.com
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Search:Manta Campeón
Sí. 140 grams.

Image via mantasport.com
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Search:Manta Gambler
Your opponent will want to know when to fold ’em. 135 grams.

Image via mantasport.com
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Search:Manta Big Foot
Inexpensive – currently $70. 145 grams.

Image via mantasport.com
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Search:Manta Nitro
Here’s one called the Manta Nitro:

Image via mantasquashusa.com
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Search:Manta X-Factor

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James Dixon says
I’ve played with the Manta Classic racquet for many years. I’m a beginner/intermediate player and found it to be a good all around racquet for my skill level. Manta used to be a Calgary based company but I’m not sure where they are based now. I was at my local squash shop last week and the owner mentioned the Classic was going to be discontinued and he was going to be dropping the Manta line from his shop as he wasn’t selling as many as he used to.
I also used to have a Campeon, but found it to be a bit heavy and it broke after striking the wall. My classic has sustained multiple wall hits without any issues at all.
Lucas Nicolau says
Hey Pierre,
I tried 3 rackets from manta, “the matrix”, and old model called Manta Cobra and Manta Ray. The problem with the 1st one I tought I couldn’t enter “the matrix” (hahahahaha), I didn’t like it at all, I felt a lot of vibration, maybe I should’ve stayed with the racket two weeks more to get use to it.
The Manta Cobra was as very nice racket, in my Country, tecnifibre rackets are very expensive, so I was trying to get an similar for the Carbonflex 130grm, so, after a long research, I tought that the Manta Cobra was a good idea, and IT WAS!!! Almost the same weight, 135grm, well balanced and same shape and head size (with 500cm²). The racket really surprised me, good power and good maneuverability.
My last one was the Manta Ray, my favourite of the brand, an all around racket, I could do drills, drops shots and volleys precisely. I would recommend this one for people who like the square beam shape, and the manta cobra for those one who enjoy the teardrop shape.
Best wishes
Pierre Bastien says
Thanks Lucas!