What are the best squash shoes for wide feet? It’s a good question and one I get frequently.
I personally do not have wide feet, but I found a couple ideas for you, and I encourage readers to provide their own suggestions in the comments.
Update (January 2023)
Here’s a wide (EE) version of the popular Asics Gel Rocket 10:

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Search:Update (February 2020)
I’ve just posted New Balance squash shoes for the first time on this site. The New Balance 696v4 models come in wide sizes.

Image via holabirdsports.com
Product Info
Release year: 2019 or 2020
Price: $65
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Search:Update (January 2019)
I suggest you check out a brand named Python, which is available from Squash Galaxy in the US. CJ helped me test out a pair of the Pythons and he likes them as a replacement for the Prince shoes.

Image via squashgalaxy.com
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Image via squashgalaxy.com
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Search:In the early part of this video → from PDH Sports, Paul suggests the Salming Kobra or maybe the Asics Gel Blast FF.
A reader named Mark who has “somewhat wide” feet likes the Adidas Stabil Bounce.
Another reader, Nawar, agrees about the Stabil Bounce:
Perfect Pair for a Wide Feet !! Finally Adidas recall the previous mold of the Stabil 10&11. i found them even much better than the previous models; lighter, excellent gripping and very well cushioned.
C.H. commented recently:
I swear by the Yonex Power Cushion SHB 65 Wide’s
I also tested the Harrow Typhoon recently and found them to have a wide toe box. Again I don’t have wide feet so we’ll have to see if anyone who does agrees they are worth a look.
Update (November 2017)
Larry from Squash Unlimited says about the Victor AS 3W:
It has been a great seller in-store and online mainly because of the price point ($89 CAD), it is a wide width and comfy.
Original post (April 2017)
My friend CJ, who I play with regularly, likes a wide fit and he has used the Prince NFS Attack. Prior to that he used the Prince NFS Rally, which he says fit well but grew holes quickly.
Update: It’s become near impossible to find the Prince shoes for sale these days. Check out the other suggestions above.
If you have wide feet and have found a good squash shoe, please leave a comment below! Thanks.
Mark says
Maybe not exactly squash shoes, but I’ve been buying New Balance “court” shoes, usually in the 800 or 600 series. I’ve used them for squash and racquetball and I usually try to buy ones with real leather uppers, EE width (and I have EEE feet). Just bought a pair of MC806Ws at Holabird Sports.
david says
anyone here with a toe bunion? I’ve developed one and need a wider toebox, the review on the python looked good, anyone else with suggestions or who have a bunion? Recently bought two pairs of the asics fast 3’s, great shoes but now I don’t think I can wear them; I’m a 10.5
C.H. says
I swear by the Yonex Power Cushion SHB 65 Wide’s
Pierre says
Thanks C.H. I added that to the post above
Harold says
I’ve played squash in the U.K. and racquetball in the U.S. Mostly racquetball in the U.S. now days. I wear U.S. size 11 4E and it is extremely difficult to find a shoe that will fit my feet and most importantly last more than a few months. I have to use shoe stretchers or else I get a nasty blister after a couple hours play. Does anyone know of a good shoe?
NatM says
Prince NFS-II (classic black and white) used to be a wide fit. I played with them for many years. Then a 2? years ago their latest version (as are all other prince shoes now!) is made with a narrower last.
They are no longer a natural foot shape, but have adopted the narrow/pointy sole of most other shoes. Oddly, when making them narrower, they have also made them more vertically roomy inside, so greater risk of toe nail damage because your foot isn’t held so firmly in place.
Same with Addidas Stabils. They were once almost as wide as the Prince NFS, but now they too are quite narrow. I’ve resorted to big shoes with very thick socks.
Nikki says
I challenge you to find a WOMEN’s SQUASH SHOE in WIDE or DOUBLE WIDE or 2E
Dane says
I have fairly wide and squidgy feet, the Salming Kobra shoes were most comfortable when trying on and I’ve been playing them for a few weeks without issue.
Pierre says
Thanks Dan, I have been wearing the Kobras and they do feel a bit wide. I have noticed the same feel with the Salming Race models.