Here’s the Adidas Stabil 6. It also came in black: And blue: Here’s a red version as well: These are an older model and they don’t seem to be available anymore:
Dunlop Aerogel Pro GT
An old-er-er but a goodie. Predecessor to the the Dunlop Pro GTS 130. Head-light, medium weight, small head size.
Head Microgel Stream
Posted for posterity.
Prince TT Sovereign
The Prince TT Sovereign squash racket and its relatives.
Adidas Court Stabil 5
Here are the “Adidas Court Stabil 5” indoor court shoes. The Stabil 5 Adidas aren’t readily available anymore, but they look really darn similar to the Adidas Stabil Optifit shoes, which can still be found on the market as I’m writing this. The Adidas Court Stabil 5 for women. Nice. Chris Simpson wore these at […]
Adidas Court Stabil 4
So I’m not entirely sure if these are the Adidas Court Stabil 4 shoes. I searched for a while but didn’t get a definitive feel that these are the ones. This is my best guess though.
Adidas Court Stabil 3
And here we have the Adidas Stabil 3, recorded for posterity. Looks like this came in several colors. I like the black version. Check this one out. Maybe they were hoping Roger Federer would wear these. These red and black ones are pretty cool too. Here’s a more conventional white and black shoe. And here’s […]
Adidas Court Stabil 2
Here is a picture of the Adidas Court Stabil 2 squash shoes, for the archives. Looks like it also came in red:
Adidas Court Stabil 1
I’m going back and documenting older squash shoes. These appear to be the original Adidas Court Stabil shoes, the very first shoes in what became the Adidas Court Stabil lineup. Thanks to Halovky for documenting this branch of shoes. He has the only picture on the Internet (that I could find) of the original Court […]