The Eye V.Lite 125. This is one of Eye’s teardrop-shaped rackets, and it has a fan stringing pattern, which gives a bit more power.
Eye V.Lite 125 Pro Series
The 2019 version of this racket is called the Eye V.Lite 125 Pro Series:

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Olivia Blacthford Clyne had this one at the 2020 Tournament of Champions:

Photo via @tocsquash →
Location: 2020 Tournament of Champions
Mazen Hesham was sporting this at the 2019 US Open:

Eye V.Lite 125 Control
The 2016 version of this frame was called the Eye V.Lite 125 Control. It was a signature version for Mazen Hesham, or the “Black Falcon” as they call him on Squash TV:

Image via Eye Rackets Facebook →
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I got a brief chance to hit with some of the Eye rackets, including the V.Lite 125. You can watch the video here. In short, I liked the slight head-heaviness of this racket. The fan stringing pattern results in a high sweet spot.
Joey Barrington, a partner at Eye, talks about the V.Lite 125 Control in this video:
Mazen Hesham:

Photo via →
Location: 2019 Tournament of Champions
Olivia Blatchford Clyne:

Photo via Steve Cubbins →
Shoes: Eye Squash Shoes
Location: 2019 World Championships
Here are the original cosmetics:

Image via
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Joey Barrington gives us the overview:
Here’s Paul from PDH Sports:
Egypt’s young star Mazen Hesham will be playing with this racket. Here he is:

Here he was at the 2015 US Open:

Photo via Steve Cubbins →
Shoes: Asics Gel Domain 2
Location: 2015 US Open
Lloyd says
In some games (like the game against gaultier) it looked more like the red 145 power rather than the orange one, or is it just me?
Lawrence says
Hi Lloyd
I think it’s you 🙂
Some photos have more ‘red’ than others…plus I don’t think any pro out there uses any racket heavier than 130g now!
Lloyd says
Hahaha, dammit! Thanks for the nugget of info anyway ?
Alex says
Do you know if this racket is similar to the vlite 110 or 120 control?
Pierre Bastien says
It looks like the exact same frame, but with a fan shaped stringing pattern
squash geek says
I’ve used for first time yesterday a new V.Lite 125 control after two years using the X.Lite 120 Control and I can’t be more happy with it. I don’t use the factory grip or string in both of them. My insights:
– I have problems hitting hard with the X.Lite 120 Control. To hit hard and to the back during a long time, I have to make a great effort, and usually, I have some pain in my shoulder the day after. I know it’s my fault because a lack of good swing but that’s gone with the V.Lite 125. Yesterday I was hitting harder and faster than ever during 90 minutes and today I’m in perfect conditions for another squash session.
– Maneuverability is better. I was able to return quick volley shots which usually I’m not able to return in good conditions.
– It’s easier for me to make drives glue to the side wall. Probably because I make less effort to put the ball in the back wall, I can focus more in accuracy and less in speed/power.
Some cons:
– My dropshots/shots to the nick aren’t not as accuracy as before. Not sure if it’s the racket or I just need more time to get used to it.
– There are some shots where I’m not hitting well because I’m not ready yet or because I’m not focused enough. When that happens with the X-Lite 120, I’m able to return the ball but with a very bad shot. With the V-Lite 125, I’m not even able to return the ball, just hit the T or the floor… Probably because the V-Lite has a small sweet spot than the X-Lite.
– I break one X-Lite 125 per year, playing 4-5 matches per week. I feel V-Lite 120 durability will be less… but not sure, only a feeling.
In summary, great racket for some one looking for a racket with a good control but yet with power enough to hit hard. I have the feeling X-Lite 120 is better if you are a attacking player but V-Lite 125 is better if you are a defensive player.
alex says
Pedro Schieertman and paul coll are now using this racket as well
alex says
Wow!! I just bought this racket and even with the stock nylon strings it was amazing. I have both the shabana xlite 120 control and this racket and the 125 feels lighter because of the balance and is more manoeuvrable. I was hitting the nicks like hesham with this racket. My favourite racket
Alex Titherington says
How is this for touch? compared to elite 120 control shabana?
Bård says
Alex: the V. Lite 125 Control is actually a very stiff, very “precise”-oriented racket and it won’t give you much in the ways of help in pulling off shots. People tend to use very individual terminology here, but “touch” rackets that are softer and with open/loose string patterns are usually more easy to use.
This racket has a solid, sturdy frame and a dense string pattern that makes it a very precise, but demanding racket.
Hope this helps!
alex says
Thanks for your reply. I felt the sturdiness of the frame and I loved it. I think that I can generate shots pretty well without the help of a racket so i loved it. My only problem is due to the small sweetspot. Although, the small head size is the main factor to this