The Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 125 is the 2020 successor to the Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed 125 and is Mohamed Elshorbagy’s racket.
Update (2022): this racket is being replaced by the Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Top 125.

Product Info
Release year: 2020
Price: £140 / $200
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Search:Racket Specs chart
Advertised weight (unstrung): 125 grams
String pattern: 14x18
Measured weight (all-in): 153.1 grams
Measured balance: 36.25 cm (54% in the head)
Here’s my review!
Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 125 Review Transcript
I have the carbo flex airshaft 125 here huge thanks to technophile for sending me this racket even though or in lockdown I don’t even have access to squash courts they knew that when they sent this to me to just want to keep this beauty in the public eye and I don’t blame them so but courageous of TechKnow fiber to to send this along even though I know not many people are rushing out to buy squash equipment right now I’m going to do some videos about this racket in fact last weekend I recorded a review of this racket outside at the playground and listen to this spectacular outdoor set up my first ever outdoor review it sounds like this as you can see we had a little bit of trouble with the wind noise it’s an unforeseen problem it’s too first out to a review but it’s ok we’re gonna get through this I’m gonna show you some clips from that video from last weekend of me hitting against a wall and but first I’m gonna give you the essential information which is that this racket feels and looks great it’s a very crisp hitting racket and even in the strange scenario of hitting it outside I really got a pleasant feel from this racket the weight of this racket is 125 grams that’s the advertised weight and the on my scale 150 3.1 grams all in including strings and grip and all the rest of the balance point on my scale was 36 in a quarter centimeter so a touch head heavy and I also tried a new thing which was to put the racket on two separate scales one on the head and one on the butt of the racket and when I did that of that overall weight eighty two point two grams was in the head so bottom line 54% of the was on this side so a little bit head heavy according to that measurement 54% I think that’s a lot a lot clearer of a number to try and grasp than thirty six and a quarter centimeters so I’m going to try and use that from now on we’ll see how it compares to other carbon flex rackets that techni fiber sent me that’s right they sent me two other ones which
I will do other videos for shortly I’m now gonna take you to some shots of me hitting the ball outdoors I know it’s unusual but it’ll give you a little bit of a flavor for hitting a squash ball and before I go I will just give you my summary review right now with limited information from zero on court experience but this everything about this racquet just feels crisp hitting the ball there’s just no vibration no rattle no wobble everything just felt super crisp that’s my my summary of this racket I can’t wait to try this in a real Squatch match environment because it really feels like a a nice frame and techni fiber has always a tough job to do every few years when they reinvent the carbo flex it’s a monster of a racket in terms of how many players use it how many pros use it how many amateurs use it around the world it’s a tough act to follow and to reinvent every year but it is it still feels like a great racket all right here’s the marketing card kind of like they’ve we’ve got that whole new logo if you remember triangle shaped logo they got your bag this is his racket the 125 sure beanies got the NS version which I’ll show you later and Marlins got the 130 so one thing I like on here is it actually says I don’t know if you can probably read that but it says Tecna fiber athletes may play with the racket that is modified from the factory specifications I like that they went out and said no no messing around just letting you know we’ve got Tecna Fiber I’m going to tear that off in a second similar design to the prior models just looking at it visually got your baggy signature on the side here subtly and some of the changes are I think they’re pretty minor you don’t want to mess with a the carbon flex too much the legendary card will flex they’ve changed up in here a little bit it says X arms I don’t know what that is I think they’ve just changed kind of the the reinforcement in here and the balance a little bit so I’m sure it’s a sort of fine fine difference that I probably won’t be able to detect out here
I’m not sure I would be able to detect it on coordinate or give it a shot okay it’s got the same grip innovation as last time this little cap here that you can roll up the string on this is a new string they have called dynamics VP I’m not totally sure if it’s their old dynamic string that’s been kind of reformulated or possibly renamed or both we also have alright check out the cosmetics you still got the red white and blue and black kind of mode from the prior model we got the clear bumper guard there 125 up here we’ve got something mentioned in here called extended string holes which I think I don’t have the other prior model with me so I can’t really show you a comparison but I think they’re the grommets are sticking out a little bit farther and I’m not sure what that is if that’s for stiffness or what the feeling of stiffness looks nice overall alright we’re gonna give it get a few hits in against the wall get that first impression here we go we’re here at the park we got kids skateboarding we got to throw a frisbee we got nobody playing baseball but that’s okay we’re all making do
Here’s my roundup of the 125 vs the 125 NS and 130:
Here’s a video overview of the racket from Paul at PDH Sports:
And an interview Paul did with Mohamed Elshorbagy:
Here are the other models in the Airshaft range:
- Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 125 NS
- Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 130
- Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 135
Here are some photoshoot pictures of Shorbagy with his new racket. Looks like he’s at Merion Cricket Club.


Here’s Shorbagy with his new racket at the 2020 TOC:

Hania El Hamammy is using it:

So is Greg Marche:

Here’s Greg in action at the 2012 Black Ball Open:

Richie Fallows, at the 2020 Qatar Classic:

Mahesh Mangaonkar at the 2020 Black Ball:

Mohamed El Sherbini at the 2021 Black Ball:

Ramit Tandon also had the Airshaft 125 at the Black Ball:

Farida Mohamed at the 2021 Black Ball:

Joshna Chinappa in 2021:

Tessa ter Sluis in 2021:

Bernat Jaume in 2021:

Auguste Dussourd at the 2021 British Open:

J says
looks like MES is back using this racket at the worlds?
Alex says
How does the x-top compare to this?
I bought this racket as I wanted something as similar as I could to the X-speed 125 I have. I’ve found the airshaft heavier and and more head heavy, the racket even says 125+5 as the weight on it.
I don’t get why they did this, it’s also noticeably slightly chunkier than x-speed to me and less manoeuvrable. It feels a lot like the Carboflex 130S I had a few years back.
John says
I too, experienced these feelings when I switched from the X-Speed to the Airshaft 2yrs ago when they came out.
The beam of the Airshaft (the width size of the frame on the sides) is slightly bigger, or chunkier than the X-Speed. Also correct about the balance.
At first I did not like these changes too much, as you said, it’s less maneuverable in the air.
I also agree that this feels and plays similar to the 125S/130S line from before.
I got an X-Top finally, and it came in the mail last week, and I’ve hit with it once so far, for almost 2hrs solo.
And yes, it feels and looks pretty similar to the Airshaft, just with the carbon top and elimination of the bumper.
Same balance as Airshaft (in fact, my X-Top balance is a TOUCH head heavier than my Airshaft racquets), has the same beam size as Airshaft, it’s pretty much an Airshaft with the carbon top-bumper-less modifications.
The X-Speed was definitely a very unique racquet! I loved mine, but I made the switch.
Dessouky still plays with X-Speed 125
John says
Greetings Squashsource!
If you are in the U.S. and interested, I have and am selling 2 of these Airshaft 125’s on eBay in very good condition!
I thought I’d utilize and make it known here on Squashsource (Thanks Pierre!) so they can go to a good home and to someone who will make the best out of them.
All pics and and info is laid out on the eBay listing.
Many Thanks!