This is the 2020 Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 125 NS. This racket is based off the Carboflex 125, but has a smaller grip. It is part of Tecnifibre’s 2020 range and replaces the Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed 125 NS.
Update: this racket has been replaced by the Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Top 125 NS.
The “NS” stands for Nour El Sherbini, the four-time world champ.

Product Info
Release year: 2020
Price: US $220
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Advertised weight (unstrung): 125 grams
String pattern: 14 x 18
Measured weight (all-in): 156.2 grams
Measured balance: 36.25 cm (53% in the head)
Factory strings: Tecnifibre DYNAMIX V.P. 1.25
Here’s my review!
Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 125 NS
what’s up squash players it’s pierre today we’re going to do a review of the techno fiber carboflex air shaft 125 ns that’s the nerf show neural cherbini racket i’m going to show you the cosmetics and give you the weights and stuff i’ve been hitting with this for some solo hitting can’t play yet because of covid but i’ve been hit solo hitting and this is a great racket the carboflex is a well-known um mainstay of kind of the top range of rackets probably the most popular is the sherbaggi one the muhammad el sherbagi one which is the 125 with the blue throat and the black regular sized techno fiber grip chavini’s model is the 125 ns that’s for nurse shabini and it’s got a white grip and a white um throat and this kind of turquoise color here instead of the blue and the grip is a little bit smaller all around which you probably cannot tell from that view right there but it feels feels a little smaller in the hand
this new version of the carboflex is really excellent it’s it’s always been a good racket somehow this one feels a bit more uh solid on contact it could be this change in the grommets which again hard to show on camera but up here there are one two three four grommets that have kind of a they’re sort of flanged outward so instead of being straight they’re kind of flanked outward a little bit so the string has more room to maneuver without without transferring vibration into the frame itself and those it’s also the case there’s four grommets on this side and the same four grommets on this side so basically if you hit the sweet spot it won’t vibrate vibrate as much and it does feel a little different from my memory of how the other one plays the string is the new techno fiber dynamics vp which is a new string this year in 2020 this racket has the kind of grip cover innovation from the last go-around which allows you to when you when you um re-grip it to basically you don’t even necessarily need this little bit of tape but whether or not you use the tape this kind of comes down over top and makes it a nice visually pleasing cover without having you know the sort of tape just going up the going up the shaft like you normally would see
they got the relatively newish technofiber logo on the frame overall it’s a gorgeous racket it hits great i personally prefer this racket of all the new air shaft models because i like the smaller grip i heard actually that marwan scherbagi who uses the 130 i don’t have it here with me his is customized to use the smaller grip and he that he uses it for his model it’s not what’s available in stores in stores is the normal size grip but i’m just pointing out that the small grip is awesome and i didn’t learn that from tecnofiber i heard it from another source but um but that’s what i heard anyway i love it this racket is my favorite of the three and the weight of it is 156.2 grams on my scale that’s all in it’s 125 gram racket advertised but on the scale 156 and 53 of the weight is in the head it’s just pleasantly um pleasantly a little head heavy and because of the smaller grip or at least the way i hold it i kind of allows me to hold the racket kind of flat which is my preferred method as opposed to this regular 125 because it’s bigger i tend to club it a little harder but that might work for you but but i this is my favorite thanksgivini for uh for coming up with that innovation or for for um helping uh get the word out about it at any rate here’s the top of the bumper it says carboflex 125 ns sort of through the bumper guard
And a video of me hitting with it:
Aaaand here’s a comparison of this vs. the 125 and 130 Airshaft models:
Here’s a promotional photo from Tecnifibre:

Here’s Nour with her new racket at the 2020 Tournament of Champions:

Photo via @tocsquash →
Shoes: Asics Gel Blade 6
Location: 2020 Tournament of Champions
Paul from PDH Sports interviewed Nour at the Tournament of Champions:
Rowan Elaraby uses this racket too:

Photo via Windy City Open →
Shoes: Eye Squash Shoes
Location: 2020 Windy City Open
So does Youssef Soliman:

Photo via Steve Cubbins →
Shoes: Salming Viper 5
Location: 2021 Black Ball Open Men
Lisa Aitken was using this racket at the 2021 World Champs:

Photo via Steve Cubbins →
Location: 2021 World Championships [Women]
Joao says
Hi Pierre
It seems like you are not the only one thinking that the NS grip is nicer. So the question is: how noticeable is the difference in the grip size to the non-NS version? Can you measure it for us please? 😇
Pierre says
Yep see around 2:00 in the roundup video but 9.5cm for the NS model, 10.25cm for the 125/130 models. So only an 8% difference but it feels nice to me! Keep in mind, I use an overgrip on top of the stock grip.
João says
Many thanks! Sorry I missed that info somehow…
Tor Schjølberg says
Yeah, this pretty much equals out the difference. Maybe still a 0.15 or 0.20 slimmer, but noticeable. I like it too, but the feel/weight distribution on my x-speed Shorbagy and the x-speed NS are way different from one another. Maybe a result of the famous 5g +/-