Adidas Stabil are a long-running line of Adidas court shoes. For years, these have been the top-of-the-range indoor court shoes within the Adidas family of brands.

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Release year: 2021
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Search:The Adidas Stabil shoes actually occupy a special place in Squash Source history. Many years ago, this site was just a general-interest squash blog. I hadn’t started to focus on squash equipment as the main topic for the site. I had seen a number of pros using the Stabil model, so I posted a roundup page of all the models I could find at that time.
That page quickly became the most popular article on this site. It caused me to think about focusing in on squash equipment as a topic, rather than doing a more general blog on squash.
A long time ago, I deleted that Adidas Stabil post in an attempt to re-organize the blog. In retrospect that was kind of stupid. But I recently came across this photo on Instagram, and it made me think about doing another roundup, an even bigger one than before:
I’m not sure why they blurred out the bottom part of the image. But anyway, without further ado, here are photos of many of the Adidas Stabil shoes I’ve posted over the years, plus a few more that I recently dug up after having been inspired by the graphic above. Thanks to Reno for the tip on that Instagram photo.
Stabil Next Gen
The Stabil Next Gen made its first appearance in the summer of 2020. They kept the sock thingy from last time but it looks like they redesigned the sole.
Stabil X
The Stabil X first came out in 2018, and new models are appearing in 2019. These are the first Stabil model to feature the sort of built-in sock that you see in the photos.
Boost 20Y
Prior to that was the Boost 20Y, from 2017. One of the stranger names I’ve seen from the Stabil family, but not THE strangest (wait for it).
Boost II
The Stabil Boost II came out around 2016:
The Stabil Boost is from around 2015:
I think the Stabil 4Ever came out sometime around 2015. Despite the name — or perhaps because of it — this model did not last forever. It was quickly supplanted by the Stabil Boost, which looks very similar in terms of construction.
Adipower Stabil 11
The Adipower Stabil 11 was the last shoe that was truly popular with the squash crowd. Even though this came out in 2014, you still occasionally see professionals wearing it. The pros must have bought up all the available pairs and stashed them in their respective closets. You can see that the design is quite different from the subsequent “4Ever” shoe.
Adipower Stabil 10.1
The Adipower Stabil 10.1 came out in 2014, back when shoe companies thought it was cool to name their shoes like software releases. That aside, this one was very popular, at least among the squash crowd.
Adipower Stabil 10
The Adipower Stabil 10 was the only Stabil model I’ve ever tried myself. It was so goddamn beautiful — but it gave me knee pain for some reason. This came out in 2013.
Stabil Optifit
I think the Optifit was the first Stabil version I ever posted. This was from around 2012.
Stabil S
The Stabil S was released in 2009, probably before I started posting about squash equipment on this site. I only back-posted it later in an effort to document as many Adidas Stabil shoes as I could at the time. That same is true for all the shoes posted below. The dates are a guess, based on the Instagram photo at the top of this page plus a minor bit of extra sleuthing. The photos, as you can see, are generally pretty lousy, but so it goes.
Stabil Carbon
I only ever saw this one version of the Stabil Carbon (2008):
Stabil 7
The Stabil 7 (2007):
Stabil 6
The Stabil 6 (2005):
Stabil 5
The Stabil 5 (2003):
Stabil 4
Stabil III
Stabil II
Stabil EQT
The one that started it all…
Marcel says
Stabil 4 best shoes I’ve ever owned! Wish they would release the old versions for sale on a special promotion.
Lloyd Lowe says
Adidas Stabil Court 10.1 and the Adidas Stabil Court 11 where the most amazing shoes!!!! Damn it, Adidas bring them back….
Tom says
Where can i find stabil 2 shoes😭
Ivan says
Stabil 2 the most beautiful shoe ever..
b says
good shout! my vote would possibly got to the stabil 10. wish Adidas would make shoes like that again.