Tecnifibre squash rackets are used by tons of pros and regular players. You can check out the latest Tecnifibre squash rackets below.
Best Tecnifibre Squash Rackets in 2022
Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Top 125
Top pro racket

Product Info
Release year: 2022
Price: US $240
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Search:Racket Specs chart
Advertised weight (unstrung): 125 grams
Tecnifibre Carboflex 125 S
Proven classic

Product Info
Release year: 2015
Price: $150
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Search:Racket Specs chart
Advertised weight (unstrung): 125 grams
Advertised balance: 35 cm
Head size: 500 cm sq
String pattern: 14x18
Measured weight (all-in): 153.5 grams
Measured balance: 36 cm
2022 Tecnifibre Squash Rackets
In 2022, Tecnifibre released updates to their Carboflex range, the most popular racket on the pro tour and probably the #1-selling racket in the world. Aside from the updated cosmetics, these are slightly tweaked from the prior models in that the bumper guard has been slimmed down to make the racket even lighter.
Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Top 125
Mohamed Elshorbagy model

Product Info
Release year: 2022
Price: US $240
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Search:Racket Specs chart
Advertised weight (unstrung): 125 grams
Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Top 125 NS
Nour El Sherbini frame with a smaller grip

Product Info
Release year: 2022
Price: US $240
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Buy (US): holabirdsports.com | racquetguys.com | squashgalaxy.com | squashgear.com
Search:Racket Specs chart
Advertised weight (unstrung): 125 grams
Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Top 130
Marwan Elshorbagy / Nouran Gohar model

Product Info
Release year: 2022
Price: US $230
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Buy (UK): decathlon.co.uk | squashituk.co.uk
Buy (US): holabirdsports.com | racquetguys.com | squashgalaxy.com | squashgear.com
Search:Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Top 135
Carboflex cosmetics, with 5 extra grams for increased power

Product Info
Release year: 2022
Price: US $210
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Buy (UK): decathlon.co.uk
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Search:2021 Tecnifibre Squash Rackets
So far in 2021 I’ve only seen one new Tecnifibre racket emerge – an updated version of the Tecnifibre Carboflex 125 Heritage.

2020 Tecnifibre Squash Rackets
In 2020, Tecnifibre updated the Carboflex range. An overview of the new products is here.

Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 125
Mohamed Elshorbagy’s signature frame for 2020:


Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 125 NS
Nour El Sherbini’s new signature frame:

Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 130
Marwan Elshorbagy’s model:

Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 135
This one’s a 135 gram model. A bit less expensive than the other frames.

Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft Junior
And a new junior model:

Tecnifibre Cross Models
There are also a few new mid-priced rackets appearing on the scene quietly. This is unusual in that Tecnifibre hasn’t typically dabbled in the $70 – $100ish price range, at least that I’ve seen.
Tecnifibre Cross Speed

Tecnifibre Cross Shot

Tecnifibre Cross Power

2019 Tecnifibre Squash Rackets
The Tecnifibre Carboflex Cannonball, a signature model for Miguel Angel Rodriguez:

An updated Suprem range called the Suprem Curv:

A redesigned Dynergy APX range:

2018 Tecnifibre Squash Rackets
Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed 125
This is the 2018 version of the Carboflex. It has big shoes to fill — the previous version was one of the most popular rackets of the last few years. Mohamed El Shorbagy has switched to this new version already, so that’s a good start.

Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed 125 NS
Nour El Sherbini has her own signature Carboflex this year. That’s what the NS stands for. It has a slightly smaller grip than the regular X-Speed 125.

Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed 130
5 grams heavier. Marwan El Shorbagy’s joint:

Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed 135

Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed Storm
This one’s priced more competitively and meant for beginners.

2017 and Prior Models
Tecnifibre Carboflex 125 S
The 125 S is teardrop-shaped and at 125 grams, quite light. It’s also a relatively flexible racket (not a stiff frame).
This was the most popular Tecnifibre racket among the pros for the last few years.

Tecnifibre Carboflex 130 S
Same mold, but 130 grams. A bit of a stiffer frame, I think. A few pros play with this model.

Tecnifibre Carboflex 135 S
This is a bit new in the range. Previously this was a 140 gram racket, and I think Thierry Lincou used it. Anyway in 2015 they’ve taken 5 grams out of this puppy.

Tecnifibre Carboflex Storm
This one seems to be the same mold as the rackets above, but it’s a bit heavy at 155 grams. At $80, its priced for beginners.

Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 125
The Tecnifibre Dynergy AP rackets were introduced in 2016. They have a teardrop head shape like the Carboflex models above, but the stringing pattern is different — the strings loop around an arch in the throat of the racket. Miguel Angel Rodriguez just switched to this racket.

Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 130

Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 135

Tecnifibre Suprem 125
Now we get into the traditional head shape rackets. This one’s the lightest, at 125 grams. Siyoli Waters and Dipika Pallikal use this.

Tecnifibre Suprem 130
130 grams, 5 grams heavier than the one above. Lucas Serme and Alister Walker use this.

Previous models:
Tecnifibre Suprem NG 130
Tecnifibre Suprem 135
135 grams, the next weight up from the racket above.

Previous models:
Tecnifibre Suprem Calibur 135
Tecnifibre Suprem Blast
This is advertised at 160 grams, so the heaviest of this frame shape. I’ve hit with this and it didn’t feel THAT heavy in the hand.

Tecnifibre Squash Rackets List
A list of all the Tecnifibre squash rackets posted on Squash Source so far.
- Tecnifibre Black
- Tecnifibre Black Edition
- Tecnifibre Carboflex 125
- Tecnifibre Carboflex 125 Heritage
- Tecnifibre Carboflex 125 S
- Tecnifibre Carboflex 130
- Tecnifibre Carboflex 130 S
- Tecnifibre Carboflex 135
- Tecnifibre Carboflex 135 S
- Tecnifibre Carboflex 140
- Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 125
- Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 125 NS
- Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 130
- Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft 135
- Tecnifibre Carboflex Airshaft Junior
- Tecnifibre Carboflex Cannonball
- Tecnifibre Carboflex Speed
- Tecnifibre Carboflex Storm
- Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed 125
- Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed 125 NS
- Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed 130
- Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed 135
- Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed Junior
- Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed Range
- Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Speed Storm
- Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Top 125
- Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Top 125 NS
- Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Top 130
- Tecnifibre Carboflex X-Top 135
- Tecnifibre Cross Power
- Tecnifibre Cross Shot
- Tecnifibre Cross Speed
- Tecnifibre Dynergy 117 Flexarm
- Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 125
- Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 130
- Tecnifibre Dynergy AP 135
- Tecnifibre Dynergy AP Range
- Tecnifibre Dynergy APX 120
- Tecnifibre Dynergy APX 130
- Tecnifibre Dynergy APX 135
- Tecnifibre Dynergy APX Range
- Tecnifibre Dynergy Max 145 Flexarm
- Tecnifibre Dynergy Tour 125
- Tecnifibre Slash Squash Rackets
- Tecnifibre Suprem 125
- Tecnifibre Suprem 130
- Tecnifibre Suprem 135
- Tecnifibre Suprem Blast 160
- Tecnifibre Suprem Calibur 135
- Tecnifibre Suprem Curv Squash Rackets
- Tecnifibre Suprem NG 130
- Tecnifibre Suprem Ruby 130
- Tecnifibre Suprem SB 125
- Tecnifibre Suprem SB 130
- Tecnifibre Suprem SB 135
- Tecnifibre Suprem SB Blast
- Tecnifibre Suprem SB Range
- Tecnifibre White
Andrew says
Can’t see it properly
Lloyd says
New mo. elshorbagy racket
Andrew says
Has anyone seen the new 2020 carboflex? Apparently green and black
Regards Andrew
ivan says
yes, 2020 model change to pearl and black color
older shorbagy – carboflex 125
younger shorbagy – carboflex 130
sherbini – carboflex 125 ns
all strung with dynamx vp 1.25
cannot post the image on this website
Pierre says
Cool thanks ivan. You can always email me here: http://scr.im/pierresquash
B says
any update on the new images / cosmetics?
ivan says
Andrew says
Hi Ivan
Can you please mail me the images
Regards Andrew
jk says
seems like theres a new range of carboflexes for 2020. On elshorbagys instagram story you can kinda see them.
John says
I caught that too the other day … I am pretty curious! Love my X-Speed 125. Wondering what modifications/updates is underway
JK says
personally I’m hoping for a return to the 125S, but with new cosmetics and the X Speed bumper + removable bumper
Ji-hoon, Han says
Have you ever seen this racket?
Pierre says
That’s got to be the Cannonball Carboflex that Ivan was talking about:
Ji-hoon, Han says
Oh, I see. Anyway, I hope its head is lighter than former one(X-speed 125).
Pierre says
I think it’s probably a variation on the original Carboflex (not the X-Speed)
Kevin says
Miguel just announced his new Carboflex Cannonball on his instagram
Pierre says
Thanks added it here
Brent says
It’s been about 20 years since the PowerRing came out. I wonder if the patent ran out or if Prince licensed it.
will says
new Tecnifibre dynergy range, pdhsports has in stock
will says
to add to my previous comment, I found the catalog